Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hello there,

I have decided to start bloging my thoughts about all types of things pertaining to the fire service and EMS service. What I blog here are my personal thoughts and are not directed towards any individual, company, department. The opions here are not the opinions or feeling of my department. I am using this as a means to share my thoughts and opinions and to bring some discussion from others in the fire and ems service. I will pick at least one subject per week to share my opionion on. Please feel free to share your thoughts. Everyone learns from others.

I have only been in the Fire service for 9 years and the EMS service for 15 years. I do not feel that this is a long time at all and am the first to tell you that I do not know everything. The day I start to think I know everything is the day I will step down from this great career!

I look forward to sharing my thoughts and gaining more knowledge from others involvment in my discussions.

Stay safe


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